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How to Patch an Air Bed

Air bed, as the name already implies, is an inflatable type of bed. Unlike traditional beds that have a firmness that depends on the foam and springs, air mattresses rely on the air that is inside the bed. Air beds, also known as air mattresses, have been an excellent alternative to expensive traditional beds. They are more affordable and more likely to adapt to any environment.

Air beds can be inflated and deflated anytime; probably the reason why most people with limited room spaces at home choose air mattresses. You can deflate the bed and store it in the closet when not being used and inflate it when needed. Also, air mattresses can be used outdoors – you can lay on the air bed and stargaze in the sea shore or sleep on it when you are camping.

Air mattresses can also save you a lot of money. Instead of booking a night in a hotel, you can just set the air bed and have a good night’s sleep in your van or in a friend’s house.

Air beds can also improve your sleep. Unlike traditional spring beds that can give you back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain, air beds, almost all of them, have coils that provide comfort to the body.

They actually deserve our applause because of the merits they have. However, though exceptionally good at quality, air beds have only one major drawback: they naturally leak air whether you like it or not.

How Air Bed Leaks Air?

Finding out how the air bed leaks leads us to find out why it leaks air. The most common reasons why air bed leaks are due to debris, tear, or puncture that is caused by sharp objects left on the floor or on the bed.

Another reason is that the air inside the bed gets cold. When the air gets cold inside the bed, the bed will shrink that will most likely give a deflating effect on the bed.

In rare cases, the leakage may be due to factory defect. In such events, you can call your air bed supplier and ask for a refund, repair, or replacement.

If your air bed has a leakage, the first thing you can do is, instead of buying a new one, try to fix it by patching the tear or the leakage.

How to Patch an Air Bed

Before going to the store and buying a new air bed, try to amend the air bed first. Patching is the most common solution to air bed leakage. Here is how to patch an air bed:

First, you need to find the leakage. The leak may be caused by a tear, a hole, or a puncture. You will locate the leakage by searching the hissing sound that an escaping air makes. Make sure to fully inflate the air bed when looking for the leakage. You can also place the air bed up on the wall to make searching for the leakage much easier.

After finding the leakage, it is time for patching the air bed. But before that, you have to buy a patching kit. You can purchase one at online stores, department stores, or in home improvement centers. A patching kit usually includes a piece of sandpaper, patches, and glue. Sometimes, a patching kit or repair kit is included upon purchasing the air bed.

Using the sandpaper, gently wipe the area of the leakage. Do it slowly until the velvet coat of the air bed is cleaned away or until you get to the plastic surface of the bed. Then, using a damp cloth or cotton that’s slightly poured with isopropyl alcohol, clean the area and make sure no debris of dirt or dust is within the area. It is important to verify that the area is away from dirt to avoid patches from not sticking.

Using a scissor, cut the patches to a size slightly bigger than the leakage or tear. This is to make sure no air will escape. Allow the patch to dry up for more than a couple of hours.

After enough time has passed, inflate the air bed and observe it overnight. If possible, do not use the air mattress until you know that there are no more leaks.

As an alternative, you can use duct tape to cover the puncture. Do not use a glue gun or any melted glue formula as it can melt a part of the air bed.

How to Prevent Leakage in an Air Bed

As true as it can be, prevention really is better than cure. Patching or repairing a leakage in an airbed takes time and effort. There are things you can do to avoid your air bed from getting leakage, tear, or puncture.

In most cases, an air bed can get holes or tears on the sides or underneath due to the debris of tiny objects left on the floor. So, before placing an air bed on the floor, make sure to clean the surface by sweeping or vacuuming the floor.

Dressing the air bed with beddings, comforters, or linens can also prevent the air bed from getting holes. Pins, scissors, and other objects with sharp edges should be kept away from the bed. Also, make sure to cut your nails,otherwise, it can accidentally spoil the coating and cause a puncture.


Patching an air bed is not such a lovely task. Therefore, enjoy your air bed with care. Take wise actions that can prevent your air bed from getting a leakage. Also, know how to find the leak if there is any. Then, repair it by following the steps that we have provided. If patching an air bed seems to be ineffective, then you should buy a new one or another type of bed that you will find suitable for your needs.


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