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How to Fix a Leak in an Airbed

Everyone would agree how practical airbeds can be. They have always been an excellent alternative to king-size master beds. Also, they are inexpensive, compact, lightweight, versatile, and comfy. Unlike traditional beds, airbeds can be deflated, which means you can bring it everywhere. You can carry it in your living room, in your backyard, or even when you are in the wild for overnight camping. Plus, setting it up is very easy as most of the airbeds have tools that will inflate the bed quickly.

However, with all the kudos that have been said about airbeds, they still have their downfalls. Some airbeds have a complicated setup. Additionally, most of them have high chances of getting a leaking problem.

How will you know when your airbed leaks? You will eventually know that it leaks when it slowly deflates or loses air when you are in it. Also, you will notice when inflating takes much more time than it was before. In most cases, you will see the holes that cause the air leakage.

When airbed has a leaking problem, you will only have two choices: (1) to buy a new airbed OR (2) find methods that can fix the leakage. The first option would mean spending another hundred bucks for a new airbed, while the second option enters you to the idea of repairing the airbed in a less costly manner. In this article, we will show you how to fix a leak in an airbed.

But First, Find the Leak

Before you could even fix the leak, you should find it first. Here are some tips that will help you find the drip.

Using your senses

To find the leakage, make sure to inflate the bed entirely. Using your ears, locate the hissing sound by roaming it around the bed with two- to three-inch distance away from the surface.

You can also use your skin to locate the leak. Wet your hands and rove it in the surface of the bed. You will catch the leakage when your hand feels cold or somewhat dry up in a particular area of the bed.

Find the leak using bubbles

Another method to locate the leak is by wetting the bed using a sponge and soap or any fluids that create bubbles such as dishwashing liquid, detergent, or shampoo. Slowly wipe the surface of the bed. You will find the leak when you see an area that has created a bubble.

Leaning the fully inflated airbed in the wall overnight can also help you search the puncture in the bed. If the bed shrinks or deflates, inflate it again and find the leak by turning or flipping the airbed.

When you finally find the leakage, mark the hole or puncture, and deflate the airbed completely. Then, you can proceed to the repairing of the leak.

How to Fix a Leak in an Airbed?

The most common method of fixing a leak in an airbed is by patching it. You can buy patching kit and tools in department stores, home improvement centers, and in online stores. Commonly, airbed manufacturers include repair kits on the package upon purchase. Some, though, sell it separately. You can call and ask your airbed supplier if they have available repair kits mainly dedicated to the model of your airbed. The patch kit is usually consisting of glue, patches, and sandpaper.

First, fully deflate your air bed. Make sure no air is present inside the bed before patching. Then, using the sandpaper included in the patch kit, gently clean the area of the leak. Wipe the area or the soft coating until you get the plastic surface of the airbed. Using a cotton or fabric with alcohol, clean the area and make sure there are no debris, dirt, or dust in the area to be patched.

Then, get the patch and cut it according to the size of the hole. However, you might want to cut the patch to a size twice bigger than the leak or tear.

Most patch kit has an instruction manual to guide you. There are certain brands of patch kit that works just like a sticker. Some brands would need you to apply glue before placing the patch. Whatever kind of patch kit you purchase, always follow the directions from the manufacturer.

Also, when applying the patch, do not remove and reattach it as it may lessen the stickiness of the glue. Additionally, let the glue or patch dry before getting on the bed or before inflating it. Wait for two to three hours or as specified by the manufacturer. Then, completely inflate the airbed. Listen again for hissing sound or feel the area for any escaping air. If possible, allow the airbed to be fully inflated throughout the night and observe the airbed in the morning if it has deflated.

Alternative Methods

If you do not have a patch kit yet, you can use duct tape as a temporary solution. Remove the fuzzy coating of the leaked area using sandpaper. If no sandpaper is available, you can use a wire brush or something alike. Then, using a damp cloth or cotton, clean the area and make sure no dirt will prevent your duct tape from sticking. Finally, place the duct tape, press it down using books or anything heavy, and wait for several hours before inflating it. Remember, duct tape is just a temporary solution. As time passes by, the tape may lose its adhesives.

Buying a new airbed is not always the best solution when yours has an air leaking problem. There are still certain things that you can do to amend or repair the problem. Repairing or improving the airbed, instead of purchasing a new one, will avoid you from unnecessary spending. Also, it will help you improve your DIY skills.


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